Wednesday, May 27, 2009


An interpersonal relationship is relatively long lasting or frequent interaction that occurs in a variety of setting with the impact of these interactions very strong. An interpersonal communication should then an activity in which individuals share information, ideas and attitudes and interpret meaning in the environment (setting). People who are dissatisfied with their partners usually list difficulties in communication as one of their major problems. However, communication is a skill that can be learned.
Interpersonal communication enhances relationship formation and sustenance in several ways. When staring a relationship, you need to explain to your partner that it is hard to talk about your conflicts. An example could be when your partner gets offended for commenting on his/her eating manners. One thing that is important is that you need to request permission to raise a topic. You can say something like, “I need to get something off my chest, but I really don’t know how to start. Can you help me?”
Secondly, you need to engage in active listening. Don’t stare into space when your partner is talking or watch TV. You need to maintain eye contact with your partner and demonstrate empathy for his/her feeling. Recast what your partner is saying to show that you understand. You can also reinforce your partner for communication and must genuinely say something like, “I’m glad you told me how you feel about that”. When you disagree with you partner, do so in a way that shows you still value them as a person, keeping in mind Carl Rogers’ concept of unconditional positive regards.
Listening is essential to learning about your partner’s needs, but sometimes you need to do more than listen. Ask questions designed to encourage you partner to communicate. An example is “Do you think I spend too much time on the phone with my friends?” Consider limiting communication to say, one difficult issue at a time.
How to deliver criticism affects interpersonal communication among partners. Your goal should be to modify your partner’s behavior without arousing extremes of anger or guilt. Also, if you want to resolve conflicts, then try a more diplomatic approach instead of being crude and insulting. You should also express complaints privately—not in font of children in-laws or friends. And be specific when complaining and combine with a specific request like, “please write down messages foe me”.
In conclusion, interpersonal relationship formation and sustenance strives in an environment where there is effective communication and shared meaning.


1 comment:

  1. are you sure you are practising what you are advicing us? huh? anywys keep it up.
